Come what may.
I'm knee-deep in French taxes. Another word for it is Ciel Hell. Ugh. I am not an accountant. I remember a long ago 25 question college course pop quiz. I got all 10 math problems right and all 15 true or false theory questions wrong. Need I say more? Now, take all that, put it into French, and then, apply French tax laws. You can SEE how much FUN I am having, non?? As they say in Skype... (puke). Due date? May 1st. Death is more inviting. So much so, that I am thinking of my submission for a project called "A Book About Death".
A friend here in Paris, Matthew Rose (an avant-garde artist), is the brainchild for this project and he has put together an idea for a book and website... 1000 artists contribute 500 post cards each to create an unbound book about death. Exhibition at the Emily Harvey Foundation Gallery in New York City. Opening: Thursday, 10 September, 2009. Exhibition: 10-22 September 2009.
When I first heard of this project I knew exactly what I wanted to submit. A photo of the church library where my mom spent many of her last days, which is adjacent to where she is now buried. It is a stark black and white image and, as it was almost Christmas when she died, the doors have wreaths, rendering them almost too festive. I have been going through boxes and piles looking for the negatives. I'll find them, and the shot I want, and I will submit it as a part of this project. It is a cathartic way to honor a memory and let it go at the same time. I have found the letting go part to be really hard, even though it has been almost nine years.
In any case, I hope you will take a look at what has been submitted thus far. There is a lot of love to be found, and a lot of creative expression, in many forms.
Nothing is certain...
I looked at a few of the submissions before I couldn't force myself to look at any more. This seems like a really morbid idea. I would never, never, ever buy this book. I understand some people may need to say goodbye and feel a sense of closure, but there are many better ways in which to do that. Just my opinion, of course.
Saw a link in the Book about Death fb group and thought I'd visit. My take on the project - I had three wonderful artists friends all die within a year. I've never felt right about working this through in my art until now. Good searching and you're right nothing is certain.
Actually the book is not for sale. It's free.
As for a "book" about death, why not? I don't find it morbid, and I don't find the works sent in so far to be morbid. I'd be very curious what kind of look-see Mr. Starman would have to offer on the subject.
Thanks so much for replying. I've done it...the only thing is mine doesn't show a drop down menu when i hold a cursor above it...that's all that's bothering me. Maybe its the code i put in there? I used the one an addthis technician posted on a discussion page.
HOpe you're doing well.
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