I am a very lucky woman in that I have some really great friends, one of whom got in touch the other day and asked if I wanted to go to see a full dress rehearsal at the Opera National de Paris. How could I possibly say non? The performance was three ballets, Amoveo, Répliques and Genus, each very different. Each very moving.
I have never been to the Palais Garnier. I've gone by it, thinking one day... the exterior is exquisite, la Belle Epoque in all its glory! The interior, with its stairways, balustrades and gilding... sumptuous. But the ceiling in the theater itself? All Chagall... it took my breath away. I love his motion, colors, expressions... inhale, exhale, sigh...
I have never been to a ballet, so I didn't know what to expect. The first performance, Amoveo, was color and movement, the troupe was dressed in rainbow colors and the background had lines continuously being drawn horizontally and vertically, while changing colors. The main dancers were beautiful to watch; so supple, so graceful, so erotic... The music was Einstein on the Beach.
The second performance, Répliques, is making its world premiere tonight. The choreographer is Nicolas Paul. It opened with a black, satinée background. White lights back lit the top, the troupe came on stage, their reflections shimmering in the background, then leaving slowly with just the main dancers remaining. The top lights went down low, and they embraced, now lit from the side... the shadows they cast melded them into one as though they were breathing each other in... so sensual, so soft, so seductive... I will admit, the tears were running down my face...
Intermission and a chance to see the interior... the Moon Room, the Sun Room, the promenade... sensory overload. All too soon, the bells chimed and sent us back into the theater.
The third performance, Genus, was created for the Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris in November 2007. At 44 minutes long, it incorporated an interesting use of film and screens that dropped, separating the dancers from one another, yet all the while they shadowed themselves, movement with movement.
I was mesmerized by the background dancers, the women were held horizontally, and still, while each screen came down. They held that pose, the screens were transparent, the concentration, the strength each one had... This was a magical evening. I must go back, I need more of this.
The evening, because it was a dress rehearsal, was surrounded with press; photographers, videographers, and journalists. We were on the floor, row 9... it was great for me to see the activity of the final test run in action. The clicking of the cameras in the front rows, I could see them checking their shots, the movement they made reflecting the dancers, flipping cameras effortlessly from side to side... my passions are showing... I am in love with all of what goes into a production like this. I have so much more to learn and there is so much more to see. Any opera fans out there, tell me, please, what should I see first? The opera I saw with Sting and Elvis Costello last year blew me away. I need more... It was a wonderful evening.
Above all, I want my arms about you...