Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Bottom Line...

I've had this post on the back burner for 2 days now.... debating the option of using a web photo or something of mine. I have to be true to myself and use one of mine, but I just wanted to add the following:

Saturday's NYT had an article about the, "Strange Habits of Successful Tennis Players". Guess what? Remember my Bucket seats... post? Seems I'm not the only one who noticed...

"...Nadal has more elaborate behaviors that have nothing to do with his wicked left-handed hooking forehand. There will be kangaroo jumps in the locker room, ultra-precise drink bottle positioning on changeovers, obsessive toweling off between points and equally obsessive wiping of the lines between points with a sneaker sole, even when those lines are already clean. Above all, there is his backward grab at the seat of his tennis shorts that one imagines has not helped sales of the clam diggers that he has otherwise popularized.

When reporters once tried to get to the bottom of the habit, Nadal said the problem was actually his bottom. “A little bigger than usual,” he explained."...

A little bigger than usual. Wow.

This is a young guy, in fine shape, and he's got a big butt. What hope is there for us slightly older, pre-menopausal babes who are carrying around a little extra tonnage in the derriere?? Ack!

Because I wanted to stay away from pulling shots off the web... and I do not have any photos of Nadal, you'll have to accept the above.

This is back when I was a babe... in the woods...under the hair dryer. Reading the phone book?? Nice shoes, eh?

Oh, very young...

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